Disinfecting Services
Complete Cleanliness is proud to offer a disinfecting service to assist with keeping our community's families and businesses safe! We can safely and effectively disinfect your home, office, gym, daycare, restaurant, and any other place of business!
The product we utilize is EPA registered and safe for in-home use. This is a no rinse, non-corrosive, disinfectant that is effective against many kinds of bacteria and viruses, including: HIV, MRSA, E-Coli, Listeria, and Staph. This product is safe for use on many pourous and non-pourous surfaces. The main compound in this product is commonly listed in the EPA's recommended products to utilize in the fight against COVID-19.
In order to meet CDC guidelines for proper disinfection, our team will first clean common high-contact surfaces such as: Tables, door knobs, light switches, faucets, sinks, and electronics. Cleaning first will assist by reducing the amount of bacteria and viruses on a surface, reducing the risk of spreading infection. We will then utilize a misting machine to disinfectant all surfaces, including walls, carpeted areas, and curtains! Our disinfectant works by attacking the protein structures in many viruses and bacteria - effectively eliminating them with as little as a 4 minute contact time!
Give us a call or fill out a contact form for your free estimate!